The hardest and least adequate entry I posted this year was my tribute to my Uncle, Ray Ackerman, who passed away in October. He was a hero, icon, friend, and surrogate Father to me, and every day I thank the heavens for the time I got to spend with him.
Next to that one on the popularity scale, lots of people came by to read about B.C. Clark's other holiday tradition and learned why it's such an effective marketing tool.
On the opposite side of the spectrum was the 2012 Super Bowl Ad Awards For The Non-Poetic (or SBAAFTNP if you’re into the whole brevity thing). This year's edition proved more popular than any others I've doled out (three total if you're counting...) and kudos to GoDaddy.com for winning their unprecedented third consecutive Please, For The Love of God, Go Away Award...
And speaking of the whole brevity thing, my thoughts on what The Big Lebowski can teach you about advertising really tied the room together. Plus, getting a bit of love from the Achievers at LebowskiFest was, on a personal level, a real honor.
He's Not A Poet also did a bit of traveling this year, as we journeyed to Margaritaville and Kansas for some advertising and branding dos and don'ts. And along the way, we pointed out lots of bad advertising on Craigslist, bad logos, and just bad copy.
Finally, though professional cycling endured plenty of black eyes in 2012, we produced not one, but two posts that showed what you can learn about advertising from the Tour de France (with or without performance enhancing drugs).
Thank you again for dropping by today, for your readership and encouragement, and for considering Ph Communications for your advertising (and non-poetry) needs. May 2013 bring you all continued health, happiness, and prosperity!
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