Like most folks, I always take a little time at the end of the year to look back at the preceding 365 days. And, as I thought back over some of the advice, rants, and lack of poetry I've spewed out over the last year, I was genuinely humbled by the number of people who took the time to read He's Not A Poet. I was also puzzled by some of the search terms that brought people in and by the popularity of some posts versus others. So, with that in mind, here are some of the posts that many folks liked and one or two you might have missed.
In February, the excitement over this year's winners of the Super Bowl Ad Awards For The Non-Poetic (or SBAAFTNP if you're into the whole brevity thing) made the 2011 edition the most popular Award post to date (of the two I've published).
In May, the wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton transfixed the world and highlighted something everyone should consider in their advertising.
We also went back to the 70's, focusing on what The Godfather can teach you about social media and Evel Knievel and his brand of Daredevil Marketing.
A personal highlight for me in 2011 was seeing my beloved Boston Bruins win their first Stanley Cup Championship since 1972. One of their victory parties saw them ring up an alcohol tab over $150,000 and provided a priceless lesson in capitalizing on public relations opportunities. However, 2011 also had it's low moments and, in my opinion, Sonic sank the lowest.
Finally, my thoughts on buzz actually managed to generate some buzz, a screaming kid spotlighted the importance of monitoring your brand on the web and, after his passing, we looked at how Steve Jobs made a marketing connection with consumers.
Thank you again for dropping by, for considering Ph Communications for your advertising (and non-poetry) needs, and may 2012 bring you all health, happiness, and prosperity!
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