It takes a special breed to work at Pale Hose Communications. Advertising is a dog-eat-dog business and therefore, dogged determination to succeed is paramount. It takes someone who can take a bite out of a workload, get on the stick, and run with it. It also helps if, when the fur flies, that person's bark is worse than their bite and they can handle conflict, move on, and let sleeping dogs lie later on. Even when the work has them chasing their tail, we look for a smart associate who can chew right through the fat and get to the meat of the project. But really, the most important quality we value here at Pale Hose Communications is we simply ask that you be housebroken.
So, on that note, I'm proud to introduce Pale Hose Communcations' newest Associate, Opie, whose official title right now is
Office Dog in Charge of Document Shredding and Chewing (though after a year or so, he'll be up for promotion to Collections!).

And, if you feel like your advertising is barking up the wrong tree, or you just have something you need chewed to bits then please, give Opie or one of our other Associates a call!
btw, we found Opie through If you have a home for a really great dog, and want to help out a wonderful cause, please check them out!
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